Quest'anno al Genio Fiorentino (una manifestazione che si tiene a firenze ogni anno e abbraccia tutto ciò che è arte) ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere e vedere in azione il grande Florian Satzinger! Ho imparato molto e sono rimasto impressionato nel vedere questo grande artista al lavoro. Scoprendolo anche una persona molto gentile e umile! Dedico a lui questo lavoro come omaggio...grazie Florian, alla prossima!
This year the Genio Fiorentino (an event held in Florence each year and encompasses all that is art) I had the good fortune to know and see in action the great Florian Satzinger! I learned a lot and I was very impressed to see this great artist at work. Discover a very gentle and humble! I dedicate this work to him as a gift ... thanks Florian, to the next!
This year the Genio Fiorentino (an event held in Florence each year and encompasses all that is art) I had the good fortune to know and see in action the great Florian Satzinger! I learned a lot and I was very impressed to see this great artist at work. Discover a very gentle and humble! I dedicate this work to him as a gift ... thanks Florian, to the next!
11 commenti:
Grande Frà! Bellissimo; molto professionale ehehehe....
Ciao! Francesco...I hope I spelled that right. Thank you for dropping by and leaving me a few words. I always appreciate visitors. Drop by again anytime.
Un gran homenaje!!
Y tu blog espectacular, como siempre.
Animactor: grazie giova, sempre ben accetti i complimenti del mio caro collega :)
Jason: No problem jason, it's always a pleasure to meet new artists! Congratulations again, and come and visit me whenever you want of course!
Juampa: thanks juampa too good ;) When you wish you are welcome!
Mi piace il tuo stile e mi piace il tuo blog.
This "thank you" artwork looks fine!
Ciao Francesco, come stai :-)?!! Bellisimo il tuo omaggio a Florian Satzinger, di sicuro ne he molto orgoglioso!!! Impresionato dai tuoi lavori e le tue animacioni «chapeau» sei molto forte!! Grazzie ed a presto amico!!
Hei hei non posso non seguirti, complimenti sei davvero bravo!
Grazie per l'add!
THANKS FRANCESCO! I'm really flattered, thanks. Great piece! I'm looking forward to coming back to Firenze sometime soon... thanks again and kind wishes and all the best to you and yours!
Hey, cesco, nice piece!
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